Need Trademark help?
Let our experienced and knowledgeable trademark professionals help solve your problems. A member of our team will review the information you provide and arrange a consultation. Trademark issues are difficult to manage – let us help.
Contact us today »Our trademark agents and intellectual property lawyers help Canadians effectively and efficiently register and protect their trademarks and related intellectual property. Canadians who have worked hard to create their brand can rely on our trademark agents and intellectual property lawyers to vigorously represent them against any infringement claim or objection to the registration of their trademark by the Canadian Intellectual Property Office. We will work hard for you to achieve a favourable resolution.
You deserve to have a representative in your corner, who works primarily in the field of trademarks and intellectual property law. Our trademark agents and intellectual property lawyers are focused on the Trademarks Act (Canada) and bring their knowledge and experience to bear on your issue.
Our team consists of skilled negotiators who will defend your intellectual property rights pursuant to applicable federal laws. The Trademarks Act, the Industrial Designs Act and the Copyright Act are governed by federal legislation. These federal laws are the same right across Canada. This means that our lawyers can assist Canadians no matter where in Canada they are located.
Trademark Help Blog
Intellectual Property Pitfalls in an Asset Sale / Purchase Transaction As professionals working in intellectual…read more »